The Lottery – Drabble for Inspiration Monday XII

Written for the weekly Inspiration Monday challenge at BeKindRewrite Please do go and take a look at her site and the other marvelous writers who participate there.

It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Walk across the street. Introduce myself. Be courteous. Wait.
They said she was old, sick, without family. She would die soon.
The old lady talked. A lot.
She made tea each day before we sat in her lounge and whiled away the hours discussing her Uncle Bob, the worms in the garden or techniques to win crocheting competitions.
I was unemployed. She would die soon. Then I would not need to work again.
I am still unemployed a decade on. She cannot remember me. She still lives. She will die soon.

30 thoughts on “The Lottery – Drabble for Inspiration Monday XII

  1. scribbla Post author

    God knows I’ve known some in my life! Some more interesting than others, fortunately.
    Thanks for reading and commenting.

  2. sparrowsong

    This made me laugh so hard: “The old lady talked. A lot.” πŸ™‚ What a great description.

  3. Pingback: Good Night, Sweet Dreams – A drabble for ‘Inspiration Monday’ | Short Stories

  4. pattisj

    If he does her in, he may not have to worry about room and board for a few years…

    1. scribbla Post author

      Lol – quite correct. Perhaps he could’ve gone that route in the first place (without taking a life, of course).

  5. Pingback: Inspirtion Monday XIII « BeKindRewrite

    1. scribbla Post author

      Thanks Mike. As you know, the challenge of the drabble pushes your sentences to places they wouldn’t ordinarily go.

  6. Carl

    Sweetly evil, and as mentioned, probably excruciatingly common. Hopefully the lack of success is common also.

    One thing that keeps going through my mind: They both died and went to hell, which involved talking about Uncle Bob, worms, crocheting, et al for eternity…

    Another thing that keeps going through my mind: Time takes time.

    Good write!

    1. screen_scribbla Post author

      Thanks Carl. I appreciate your comments. I guess he was in hell and she was in heaven, having someone to blab to.

      Time takes time. I like that.

  7. Billie Jo Woods

    I knew a couple like this once. Turned out when the old lady did die, she had lied and gave all her money to a cat charity instead of to the couple who spent years cultivating her by visiting, shopping for her and doing her chores.

  8. Indigo Spider

    Evil! He’s like a vulture waiting for her to die so he can pick the financial carcass! Hahaha… creepy and funny, in a sick way, I like it. This one actually gave me a chuckle, is that sick of me?


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